Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WATCH OUT ! Are you dating a Gold Digger?

Any one of these signs will suggest that you're dating a gold digger

1. She only wants to go to expensive restaurants.
After impressing her on the first or second date, take her to a few inexpensive places like Red Lobster and see how she reacts. If she reacts unappreciative or complains, she is either a digger, or may be too high maintenance. Don't be a punk or weak for the panties and call the digger back. If you do, you may as well hire a dime quality call girl which will save you some money and more than a few migraine headaches in the long run.

2. She only suggests expensive gifts, trips, etc.
A gold digger will turn her nose up at heartfelt, sentimental gifts because she is eager for gifts that are caked with money and expects nothing less than 4 star accommodations and food venues, shopping at designer stores and exotic vacations.

3. She asks you to buy her something or borrow money early on in the relationship.
Unless you are fine with the idea of paying for your sex and the company of this woman, this is a red flag.

4. She’s overly concerned about your financial status
A gold digger is interested in hearing about your career and financial status from day one. She is a very manipulative woman who pretends to be interested in you by asking questions about your occupation so she can discover your job title, measure your earnings’ potential and ensure that you have plenty of income to spend on her and support her lifestyle. Yeah dude, she wants intimate details about how much you make.
If she is a dime and you are eager to soak up her panties, you may just want to play along, sex her, and then not call the digger back. She played a gold digging poker game with the wrong guy and lost.

5. She never pays for anything
When it comes time to pick up the check for a dinner, a movie or just about anything else the two of you are undertaking– she is nowhere to be found. If you are the one who is constantly shelling out money in the relationship, that should be your sign that she’s just using you.

6. She feels entitled
A gold digger will walk around feeling entitled to the good life without feeling any need to lift a finger to achieve it. Since she craves status and doesn’t have long-term goals, the gold digger expects to drive a brand new car with luxury features and wear $500 shoes without feeling any need to earn her own money to achieve it. This type of high-maintenance woman feels that it’s her right to be able to pursue her big dreams at the expense of financial stability, and, coincidentally, hasn’t considered who will foot the bill.

7. She attempts to trap men into pregnancy
Everybody knows that unless a woman decides to artificially inseminate herself, conceiving a child takes is a two person act and if you decide to have unprotected sex with a woman, then you should be man enough to accept the consequences. However, a gold digger will insist on having unprotected sex and will use lines like “I can’t feel it with the condom on, just take it off” and attempt to use guilt trips on you, i.e., “If you love me, why do you need a condom?”
A gold digger hopes to get pregnant so she can use it to her financial advantage as she sees kids as a lifelong financial insurance policy. She will intentionally stop using her birth control without you knowing and will even go as far as tampering with condoms prior to intercourse, i.e., putting a pin through her boyfriend’s condom package without him ever suspecting it.

8. She heavily relies on others
A gold digger knows that you don’t want to see her get an eviction notice, or get her car repossessed, and you’re a good person who will always be in a position to help, right? Wrong. There’s a big difference between someone who’s just fallen on bad times and a woman that completely relies on others for fulfilling her costs of living and purchasing needs.

9. She lacks any career aspirations
A gold digger will avoid the subject of getting a job and demonstrate that she has no intention of ever developing a career outright even she is perfectly capable of doing so.

10. She has dated multiple you!

1 comment:

Jai said...

This slightly amused me, but is probably. I know for sure now that I am not a gold digger! :P